Key Milestones

Key Milestones


 Date               Event
Sept 1986 South London Business Initiative was formed with the help of Business in the Community and founding sponsors.
1987 Fashion South created.
1988 Youth Enterprise Centre established
 Feb 1989 HRH the Prince of Wales officially opened the Mercury Asset Management Youth Enterprise Centre.
 1989 Fashion South Design Showcase at Guildhall as part of the Lord Mayor’s 800th anniversary celebrations.
 1991 Opening of Peckham Enterprise Centre.
 1991 Publication to celebrate five years of operation.
 1991 Launched the bi-monthly South London Business Newspaper.
 1992 SLBI’s Quarterly Newsletter is launched.
 1993 SLBI celebrates five years
 Sept 1996 South London Business initiative placed in Voluntary Liquidation having completed its programme of work.